The Green-Striped Silver Rocket
I started this set in 2004 with the acquisition of two vista dome cars and the observation car.  In 2005, I added the two Alco diesel engines and Jefferson Coach.  The Columbus Combo and a third dome car followed in 2006.  These green-stripe cars were made in 1954 and 1955.
Here's my complete train on the red line of  the lower loop.
In 1954 the Rocket was sold as set #K5364W with three #962 dome cars and a #963 observation car.
That same train was sold in 1955 as set #110.
It was sold as set #2H346 in both 1954 and 1955.
In 1955 the Rocket was sold as set #5570H with the four different green-stripe cars.
It was also part of the #351 Dealer Display set in 1955.
Unsold inventory was sold as uncatalogued sets #20003 and #20270 in 1957.
I assembled a 4745 Alco engine set the same way I did the Santa Fe Chief.  I bought a batch of chasses and found a 475 shell to put on one of the dummy chasses.  I put on sideframes with couplers and a new set of horns.  Some new decals and an air vent will restore it to Very Good condition.
Here's the powered 474 engine that I bought to finish the set.
And here's the completed engine set.
#960 Columbus Combination Car.
#961 Jefferson Coach.
My first #962 Hamilton vista dome car.
My second #962 Hamilton vista dome car.
I had to get a third dome car to complete the set.
#963 Washington Observation Car.

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If you or your friends have some American Flyer trains and would like them to go to a nice home where they'll be loved and cared for, this is the place!  Email me:  See my
Wish List for the items I need most.  Thank you very much.

On the other side of the coin, I post pictures from time to time on my
For Sale page of surplus items I have for sale.
This gallery will continue to grow and become more comprehensive as I collect more cars and as visitors send me pictures of the cars I don't yet have.  If you have a car that you would like to share with the world, email me a picture:  Click here for a list of the pictures I need to complete the Gallery.

The books I am using for reference are listed in the
Bibliography page.  All the writing and all the pictures on this website are, however, my own, except where cited.  No copyrighted materials have been included and all pictures provided by others are used by permission.
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