






Crown Model
Products Refrigerator Cars, "Reefers"
Crown Models made 16 S-Scale Refrigerator Cars. In
addition, Doug Peck hand-decorated and sold a few #SR-7000
Undecorated Reefers. Unless otherwise specified, the large
pictures are on this page are of cars in the collection of The
Upstairs Train.
Doug Peck of Port
Lines Hobby Supplies provided the
following information about Crown Models and its product
"All the S-gauge cars made by CM were
distributed by me (CM wanted no part in retail or wholesale sales,
so all production went to me, and I did all the wholesale
distribution, as well as direct retail sales). The only exceptions
to that were a couple of additional road names which CM did as an
exclusive run for a couple of businesses or organizations (such as
NETCA---New England TCA). Those were sold direct to the group, by
We produced only about a dozen different road names in
S, each with three different car numbers, before CM dropped
production and went out of business. They were available either
scale or highrail (like A.M.). Trucks and couplers on most
cars were SHS, but there was a period when we had to use Downs
trucks because SHS was out-of-stock for quite some time.
made very few "prototypes", because most of the S cars
had already been produced by CM in O gauge; thus there was no real
need for an S prototype or pilot model. I think there were only a
couple of true "pilot" models, and I have them myself."

SR-2001 Swift Refrigerator Line
Reefer. The car numbers were 1031, 1035, and 1040.

SR-3009 Central Vermont Milk Service
Reefer. The car numbers were 537, 542, and ___.

SR-4000 Western Pacific Ice Service
Reefer The car numbers were 7059, 7064, and 7067.

SR-4700 Union Refrigerator Transit
Bananas Reefer. The car numbers were 9830, 9840, and 9850.

SR-5000 UP Pacific Fruit Express
Reefer. The car numbers were 60002, 60009, and 60603.
I have no picture of the SR-7000
Undecorated Reefer.

Undecorated Reefer hand done by Doug
Peck similar to the later SR-4700 Bananas car. (Photo courtesy
of Tom Detmer)
Doug Peck tells the story of this car: "Very
early-on, I produced and sold some one-at-a-time painted and
dry-transfer cars, using CM Undecs. One of the cars we did that
way was the Banana reefer. I used Clover House dry-transfers on
that car I don't recall how many I made and sold, but it wasn't
a lot, probably less than a dozen. It was NOT a prototype or
"pilot" model. Later, we decided to do that car as a
production-run car, but the production model was identical to
the CM O-gauge car, not to my hand-made cars."

SR-7002 West India Fruit &
Steamship Company Reefer. The car numbers were 333, 399, and 499.

SR-8002 Hoods Milk Reefer. The car
numbers were 822, 824, and 825.

SR-8004 A&P Milk Reefer. The car
numbers were 737, 740, and 742.

SR-9003 Stroh's Beer Reefer. Doug
told me the car numbers were 135, 136, and 142, but mine is #123.

SR-9006 Schlitz Beer Reefer. The car
numbers were 3765, 3771 and ___.

SR-9050 Post Road Pale Ale Reefer.
The car numbers were 20, 25, and 30.

SR-9505 Clicquot Club Reefer. The car
numbers were 121108, 121125, and 121130. In 1997, Crown Models
made an O-Scale version of this car for NETCA, but there was no
S-Scale version. Crown Models later made it as their own

NETCA 2000 Berkshire Brewery
Reefer. (Photo courtesy of Tom Detmer)
Crown Models made
the S-Scale version of this car for NETCA. Lionel made the
O-Scale version but the small S-Scale production run wasn't
profitable enough for Lionel. Due to the small production run,
all cars had the same number.

2001 NETCA MOXIE Reefer As with
the 2000 Berkshire Brewery Reefer, Lionel made the O-Scale version
and Crown the S-Scale. Due to the small production run, all
cars had the same number. (Picture courtesy of Doug Peck, Port
Lines Hobby Supplies.)

My first Crown Models car, the #25254
CM&StP Reefer made for the 25th Fall S-Fest. There were
four different numbers on these cars: 25253 through 25256.
It takes time and money to maintain a
website like this. If this site is interesting and helpful to you,
please contribute financially to its ongoing success. You may send
a contribution via PayPal using
theupstairstrain@gmail.com as the payee. Both credit card and
direct transfers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very
If you or your friends have some S-Scale trains from
Crown Models, S-Helper Services, American Flyer, or American
Models, and would like them to go to a nice home where they'll be
loved and cared for, this is the place! Email me:
theupstairstrain@gmail.com. See my Wish
List for the items I need most. Thank
you very much.
On the other side of the coin, I post
pictures from time to time on my For
Sale page of surplus items I have for
This gallery will continue to grow and become more
comprehensive as I collect more cars and as visitors like you send
me pictures of the cars I don't yet have. If you have a car that
you would like to share with the world, email me a picture:
theupstairstrain@gmail.com. Click
here for a list of the pictures I need
to complete the Gallery.
The books I am using for reference
are listed in the Bibliography
page. All the writing and all the pictures on this
website are, however, my own, except where cited. No copyrighted
materials have been included and all pictures provided by others
are used by permission.
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