












Accessories (1 of 3)
Classification of the various kinds of accessories
isn't always clear. For example, the TM Guide calls the #26810
Pow-R-Clips an Electrical Accessory, but the various Track
Terminals that serve the identical function are called Track
Accessories. I deviate from TM by listing the Pow-R-Clips as a
Track Accessory.
In The Gilbert Gallery, Track Accessories
either are mounted on the track or connect track (i.e., track
locks). Electrical Accessories are whistle and horn controllers,
the Lockout Eliminator, wire, rectifiers, circuit breakers, and
the like. The Reverse Loop Relay and Kit defy definition and are
listed both places. Accessories that are integral with track
(e.g., track pins and rerailers) are listed with Track
& Switches. Track Ballast is
another anomaly, listed both here and in Landscape
Accessories. Semaphores, gates, and
crossing signals are Operating
Accessories. Track cleaning fluid is
included among Supplies.
Track Accessories are split up over three web
#670 through #698 are this page 1
#704 through #713 are on page
#728 and above are on page
Unless otherwise specified,
the pictures on this page are from the collection of The Upstairs
If you have a picture that you would like to share
with the world of any of the Track Accessories not shown here (or
a better picture of one that is shown!), email them to me:
theupstairstrain@yahoo.com. Click here
for a list of the pictures I need to complete
the Gallery.

#670 Track Trip made in 1955 &
1956. It connects to one rail and spans the fiber pin between
two sections of track. It "senses" the presence of an
engine by its current draw.

#690 Track Terminal made in 1946 thru


#693 Track Locks made in 1948 thru
1956. (Picture courtesy of ebay seller themaznoid.)
Track Trip with two metal sensing plates and Fahnstock clips made
in 1946. The two brass buttons under an
engine made contact with the metal plates in the track trip. So
few were made that many people believe none were made; they are
very rare. (Picture courtesy of Lonny

#695 Reverse Loop Relay with
green-painted die-cast body made in 1955 & 1956. (Picture
courtesy of an anonymous donor.)
#696 Track Trip with
die-cast shoe to activate flashers made in 1946 thru 1948.

#696 Track Trip with plastic
shoe made in 1949 thru 1957.
one that isn't listed in any of my books.
Can anybody out there provide us the
story behind this unique version of the 696?
here are two with brass parts and fiber pads that don't have the
Gilbert stamped catalog number.
Can anybody out there provide us the
story behind this unique version of the 696?

#697 Track Trip made in 1950 thru

#698 Reverse Loop Kit made in 1949,
1950 and 1952 thru 1954. Kit contains three No. 690 Track
Terminals, one double-pole double-throw switch, plus other
required pieces and hardware. (Picture courtesy of an anonymous
me the rest of the Track Accessories.
It takes time and money to maintain a website
like this. If this site is interesting and helpful to you,
please contribute financially to its ongoing success. You
may send
a contribution via PayPal using
theupstairstrain@yahoo.com as the payee. Both credit card and
direct transfers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very
If you or your friends have some American Flyer
trains and would like them to go to a nice home where they'll be
loved and cared for, this is the place! Email me:
theupstairstrain@yahoo.com. See my Wish
List for the items I need most.
Thank you very much.
On the other side of the coin, I post
pictures from time to time on my For
Sale page of surplus items I have for
This gallery will continue to grow and become more
comprehensive as I collect more equipment, and as visitors send me
pictures of the items I don't yet have. If you have a car,
engine, accessory, or set that you would like to share with the
world, email me a picture:
theupstairstrain@yahoo.com. Click
here for a list of the pictures I need
to complete the Gallery.
The books I am using for reference
are listed in the Bibliography
page. All the writing and all the pictures on
this website are, however, my own, except where cited. No
copyrighted materials have been included and all pictures provided
by others are used by permission.
Now show me:
Gilbert Gallery Home Page
Cars Freight
Cars Accessories
& Switches Track
Accessories Transformers
& Trucks Supplies
Needed Useful
Links For
Sale Wish
List Bibliography
Upstairs Train
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